About Me

I'm a scientist with an amazing job that allows me to think, plan, and share ideas! I love teaching and education and have taught at all levels of university astronomy and physics. I enjoy the opportunity to solve research problems that yield new insights into the origin of our solar system or the formation of gravitationally collapsed structures across our universe. I lead a research group of many graduate students and postdoctoral associates. To the left is an animation of a numerical simulation of the evolution of a circumstellar disk when the central protostar is very young. Embryonic clumps are formed and migrate to the center.

I am a Bengali-American, with roots in Kolkata, India. Canada is the fifth country in which I have lived, and I have a circle of friends and relatives that are scattered across the globe. Below is a picture taken at the Kolkata Flower Show, 2016. Held every February, you should not miss it if you are anywhere near.

When not on the job, I love to read about and discuss current events, play racquet sports, try new culinary creations, travel, do gardening, and spend time with family and dear friends.

Practicing gratitude. It’s one of the essentials for finding happiness in life’s journey.

Animation based on work by Vorobyov & Basu (2010, Astrophysical Journal, 719, 1896), and is subject to copyright.